
Beginners Guide to Farming CHIA XCH on Ubuntu

Chia-The encrypted project of✅Bittorrent creator and ✅Steam game distribution protocol developer Bram Cohen! Received institutional investment from ✅A16Z✅DCM✅Danhua Capital // UPDATE // Please read this writeup from BackBlaze regarding the profitability of Chia. After mining on 8TB for ~2 months I never saw any wins. Pools are just now starting […]

Installing ssacli – view raid ESXI 6.5

Goal: To have the ability to monitor the RAID status without rebooting. The setup: HP Z400 workstation P410 HP Smart Array ICY 6-bay cage 6 SATA disks After some troubleshooting, I found that in order to view the raid configuration for the P410 on the HP z400 the utility i […]

Installing hpacucli on Proxmox

Goal: To have the ability to monitor the RAID status without rebooting. The setup: HP Z400 workstation P410 HP Smart Array ICY 6-bay cage 6 SATA disks I found that there was a supported utility for the Z400 machine, hpacucli[1] The  hpacucli is available for linux or as a vib[2] […]

Finding your node name Graylog 2.2.x

I found it odd I wasn’t able to locate standard node information from the Graylog dashboard under ‘System/Nodes’. After some research I found that you can locate your Graylog Node name (and additional information regarding your cluster) by navigating to the following page:

The incomplete path to a syslog

The path to a great syslog! My first full-fledged syslog deployment should be interesting, and an educational read for anyone who’s on a similar path. If you do not already know what a syslog is, I suggest you do some research. When you’re ready please come back.

Parallels RAS Remote Desktop Client – mass management

The ability to make mass changes to our kiosk mode workstations. We have hundreds of workstations with Parallels RAS installed on them in kiosk mode (their own shell). Parallels offers no direct method to mass update client settings or local applications. Applies for v14.x and 15.x.

Veeam 9.x PSSnapIn failure

ISSUE Installed Veeam 9 Backup and Recovery. Installed the Veeam Powershell after a couple days of demoing. When launching the Veeam powershell module via Veeam menu it opens[1] and works just fine. However when attempting to launch the Veeamssnapin using the command ‘Add-PsSnapIn VeeamPSSnapIn’ I received an error (below). As […]

Finding your linux version

Useful CLI commands that I’ve compiled in order to determine which flavor/version of Linux I’m running. Kernel: uname -r Distro: lsb_release -a Prints certain system information usually related to the kernel (-a is the ALL switch).


You can cat the /proc/version file:


cat the […]

GUIDE and UniData structured files

GUIDE which can be run on the server that analyzes files, generates statistics and provides suggestions for optimizing file sizes and ensuring data integrity. While GUIDE is running, it will sit at the prompt, there’s no output while it’s working on true U2 files.

AIX 5.3 Performance Diagnostics

This is a list of useful AIX commands do diagnose performance issues with the host. TOPAS VMSTAT svmon -G GUIDE for filesystems NMON script and analyzing filemon – Performance statistics for files, logical/physical volumes and virtual memory segments fileplace – Placement of a file’s blocks within a file system lsps […]